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1  It was reported that St. Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross, but this information does not date earlier than the 14th century. St. Hippolytus of Rome simply said that St. Andrew was crucified and suspended from an olive tree. The date of death is from the Catholic Encyclopedia. See St. Hippolytus of Rome, On the Apostles and Disciples  NOTE: Some scholars regard this as the work of another person, "Pseudo-Hippolytus."


2  St. James the Less is also known as St. James the Just, and is identified by St. Jerome as being the "brother" (or cousin) of our Lord, being the son of Mary of Cleophas, who was the Blessed Virgin Mary's sister (John 19:25). See St. Jerome, On Illustrious Men, Chapter 2.


3  St. Jerome says that St. James was stoned, then clubbed to death. See St. Jerome, On Illustrious Men, Chapter 2.


4  Calamene was probably identical to Madras (modern-day Chennai) in Mylapore, India.


5  In his short work on The Apostles and the Disciples, #6, St. Hippolytus said that when St. Bartholomew went to India, he left his disciples a copy of the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Ecclesiastical Writer, Eusebius of Caesarea, says the same in his Church History, Book V, Ch. 10, # 3. Eusebius also said that Matthew's Gospel was in Hebrew.


6  According to St. Hippolytus of Rome, St. Bartholomew was crucified with his head down. The fact that he was skinned alive is from the Catholic Encyclopedia.


7  That St. John was plunged into a cauldron of burning oil and escaped unhurt was mentioned by Tertullian in Prescription against Heretics, Ch. 36

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